Shravan Pradeep
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2021
M.S., Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, 2015
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 2012
Current Projects
- Rheology and yielding dynamics of model earth suspensions
- Failure models and associated microstructural signatures in soft earth materials.
Previous Experience
- Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, NC State (2017-2021)
- Research Assistant, Nanomaterials Lab, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India (2015-2016)
- Mangement Trainee - Production Engineering, Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers, Mangalore, India (2012-2013)
Certifications and Awards (Selected)
- James Ferrell Outstanding PhD Student Award, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, NC State (2022)
- Teaching and Communications Certificate, NC State (2021)
- Graduate Student Association Conference Travel Award, NC State (2019)
- Provost University Graduate Fellowship, NC State (2016-2017)
- Prime Minister’s Merit Scholarship, Ministry of Defense, Government of India (2008-2012)
Papers (Selected)
- Robert Kostynick*,Hadis Matinpour*, Shravan Pradeep*, Thomas Dunne, Sarah Haber, Alban Sauret, Eckart Meiburg, Paulo E Arratia, Douglas J Jerolmack, “Rheology of debris flows controlled by the distance from jamming”, PNAS (2022); *equal contribution
- Shravan Pradeep, Paulo Arratia, "To biofilm or not to biofilm", eLife (2022).
- Shravan Pradeep, Alan Wessel, Lilian Hsiao, "Hydrodynamic origin for the suspension viscoelasticity in rough colloids", Journal of Rheology (2022).
- Shravan Pradeep, Mohammad Nabizadeh, Alan R. Jacob, Safa Jamali, and Lilian Hsiao, “Jamming distance dictates colloidal shear thickening”, Physical Review Letters (2021).
- Shravan Pradeep and Lilian Hsiao, “Contact criterion in dense suspensions of smooth and rough colloids”, Soft Matter (2020).
Presentations (Selected)
- “Engineering flow mechanics in dense suspensions of surface-anisotropic colloids”, Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2022). (Postdoctoral Poster Award - Third Place)
- “Probing contact microstructure in shear thickening colloidal suspensions”, ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, 2021 (Langmuir Graduate Student Oral Award Presenter).
- “Distance to jamming dictates onset stress and strength of shear thickening”, International Congress on Rheology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2020 (Keynote Session Speaker).
- “Synthesis and characterization of Fe3+ and Mn2+ doped ZnS nanocrystals”, Workshop on Analytical Instruments for Chemical and Environmental Engineers, Pilani, India, 2015 (Second Best Poster Award).
Contact Information
- Please contact me by email:
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